Digital song: Finally know the release date and title of the first song of Preap Sovath on Galaxy!


Since the official launch of Galaxy Navatra at the end of August, Preap Sovath's fans and live production have been waiting for the day. The official release of the male singer is now official.

According to Yim Tasrong, the production manager, he knows that the fans of the production and the fans of the singer are really looking forward to the song. Preap Sovath's first song released on Galaxy. Therefore, the production has burned hands and feet on this story. 

So far, everything is ready and just waiting for the release date.  According to the management, the veteran singer's first song will be released on Sunday. Only at 7 am on the YouTube Channel of Galaxy Navatra.

Preap Sovath's first song in this Galaxy production is titled "Khea Pjom Jruk Yom Penh Trorng" as a rhythm for dancing on the occasion of the upcoming Pchum Ben festival, our national tradition. Let's wait and see!


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